Vadanalva 27 октября 2019 в 11:24

Where were you? What were you doing?
What did you find? What did you do?
How much money did you get?
What did you do with the money?
Помогите. Нужно сочинить диалог. Там должны быть эти вопросы.

Hi, Pete
Hi, Mary
Guess what I found an old chest in the attic. There were lots of things.
What did you find
Some old family fotos, clothes and very old books.
So, what did you do with all those things
Oh, old family fotos were given to my mom. Clothes and books I sold.
You may have shown me those things, but anyway, how much money did you get
120 dollars. Books are like really rare.
Oh, I get it! So what did you do with all that money
Ive spent it on some books, ive always dreamed about.
Hah... So, see you next week.
Okay, bye!
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