Myuneznak 1 ноября 2019 в 09:37

Match the definition in the right column to the word in the left.

1. outlaw

a. a person guilty of unlawful killing of someone on purpose;

2. victim

b. to pay attention to rules, laws, etc.;

3. observe

c. to place a person outside the protection of law;

4. Old Testament

d. a person, who does wrong, commits an offence;

5. murderer

e. one of the division of the Bible;

6. revenge

f. deliberate infliction of injury upon the person who has inflicted injury;

7. offender

g. a civil officer acting as a judge in the lowest court;

8. magistrate

h. a person suffering injury, pain, loss etc. because of circumstances, events, the ill-will, etc.

1c, 2h, 3b, 4e, 5a, 6f, 7d, 8g
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