Вот схемка:
Direct. Indirect
Present S Past S
Present C Past C
Present Prf Past Prf
Past S. Past Prf
Past C. Past C
Future S. Would
Указатели времен:
Today. That day
Last week. Previous week
Next day. The next/following
This. That
These. Those
Ex: Tom SAID (that ) he had gone to the cinema previous week. (Indir)
Tom SAYS: "I went to the cinema last week". (Direct)
Еще не будет согласования времен, если факт постоянный.
Ex: The Earth is round. (Dir)
The teacher said the Earth is raund. (Indir).
При вопросах вторая часть имеет прямой порядок слов.
Ex: Emma asked me if I had done that excercise. (Indir)
Emma askes me: "Have you done this ex-se" (Dir)