Амандин 3 ноября 2019 в 12:04
Сomplete the second sentence so that it gives the same time as the first
1it's seven thirty.
1it's _ seven
2it's eight thirty-five
3it's quarter to ten
4it's one fifteen
5it's two twenty
5it's __two
6it's one fifty-five
6it's__ two
7it's three fifty
7it's __ four
8it's ten a.m
8it's __ inthe morning
9it's midngiht
9it's __ at night
1its seven thirty.
1its thirty past seven
2its eight thirty-five
2its thirty-five till nine
3its quarter to ten
3its forty-five past nine
4its one fifteen
4its fifteen past one
5its two twenty
5its twenty past two
6its one fifty-five
6its fifty-five till two
7its three fifty
7its ten till four
8its ten a.m
8its ten in the morning
9its midngiht
9its 12 at night
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