Коротко и ясно.
1. Закончите предложения с "and", "or", "but", "so", "because".
Пример: "I can't eat fish because I am allergic to it."
1) We are going for a pizza ___ then we are going to the cinema.
2) She would like to go to the concert next weekend, ___ the ticket is very expensive.
3) I can't see you tomorrow ___ I'm going to the seaside.
4) We'll have roast beef ___ Yorkshire pudding.
5) We want to go to France ___ Germany on holiday next year.
6) I did'n feel well yesterday ___ I didn't eat anything all day.
7) I won't have sushu ___ I don't like raw fich.
8) He wiil go to a fancy dress party ___ he won't wear a costume.
1) We are going for a pizza and then we are going to the cinema.
2) She would like to go to the concert next weekend, but the ticket is very expensive.
3) I cant see you tomorrow because Im going to the seaside.
4) Well have roast beef and Yorkshire pudding.
5) We want to go to France or Germany on holiday next year.
6) I didn feel well yesterday so I didnt eat anything all day.
7) I wont have sushu because I dont like raw fich.
8) He wiil go to a fancy dress party but he wont wear a costume.