Nabovfyu 4 ноября 2019 в 06:56

Read the sentences and say in which of them past perfect passive is used. Translate
them into Russian.
1) Just imagine! The kitchen has been painted bright yellow. 2) He said mother’s
favourite glass vase had been broken. 3) John has always been respected.
4) I knew that John had always been respected. 5) The teacher added that the
question had not been replied. 6) Julia agreed that she had been given sensible
advice. 7) The sweets have been shared among all the children. 8) Ron explained
that a lot of time had been wasted.

Past Perfect Passive в следующих предложениях:

2) He said mother’s favourite glass vase had been broken. 
Он сказал, что мамина любимая стеклянная ваза была разбита.

4) I knew that John had always been respected.
Я знал, что Джон всегда был уважаемым.

5) The teacher added that the question had not been replied.
Учитель добавил, что на вопрос не ответили.

6) Julia agreed that she had been given sensible advice. 
Юлия согласилась с тем, что получила разумные советы.

8) Ron explained that a lot of time had been wasted.
8) Рон объяснил, что много времени было потрачено впустую.
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