20 баллов за помощь!!!!!! СОСТАВИТЬ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ "ЧТО ВЫ ЛЮБИТЕ ИЛИ НЕ ЛЮБИТЕ ДЕЛАТЬ НА КАНИКУЛАХ?" <С какими глаголами можно использовать каждую пару выражений?> I can swim on holiday. I like to swim in the river, but I don't like to swim in the sea. _______ to play to swim to ride to walk to go to have in the river - the sea. volleyball - football diving - hiking in the woods a bonfire - a party in the woods - in the park on a boat trip - to the fair a horse - a bicycle
1. I like play (football,basketball,tennis и др.) in summer holiday. 2. In holiday I can ride a horse. 3. I like walk in the park in winter holiday.
To play, to travel, to ride a bike, to go for a walk, to swim,