Cegamand 28 ноября 2019 в 08:51

Возьмите красную ручку и исправьте ошибки: 1. May I to have a cup of coffee? 2.Let's not going to the cinema.
3.I am sure he can find the book tomorrow.
4.I think I can learn all the words tomorrow morning.
5. He won't be able run quickly.
6.I am sure you will able to speak Spanish in three months.
7.You don't have to say that.It's not polite.
8.You mustn't wash up. I've already done it.
9.She had to invite Susan's sister to her party, hadn't she?
10.The baby can speak well in a year.

May I have a cup of coffee Dont let us go to the cinema. I am sure he will be able to find the book tomorrow. I think I will be able to learn all the words tomorrow morning. He wont be able to run quickly. I am sure you will be able to speak Spanish in three months. You must not say that.Its not polite. She had to invite Susans sister to her party,didnt she The baby will be able to speak well in a year.
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